Episode 2

EP2: We Know That We Know Nothing with Pallavi Purkayastha & Falak Sabbak

Historically Philosophers argued that to "know that you know nothing" was a paradox, as you can't know what you don't know. But now we all know that decisions are being made about our future and are intentionally being done behind closed doors.

In this episode, we start to get "un-confused" and get a lay of the land from two bad-ass women, Pallavi Purkayastha & Falak Sabbak, who have not only been doing the good work but fighting for transparency and our rights.

We explore how someone becomes a state Representative, how a bill becomes law, and most importantly what you can do regarding legislation that will impact your life!

Action Item:

Subscribe to "The Session" by Branch Politics and stay informed about new laws being proposed by the Georgia state legislature.